Monday, January 31, 2011

If you've EVER had Oral Sex...You NEED to read this!

Edited January 27th, 2012: In an article today in USA Today by Liz Szabo she cited a study published recently in the Journal of the American Medical Association confirming that the Human Papillomavirus (HPV) is mostly spread through sex rather than more casual contact such as kissing.

Studies show that about 42% of women have a current genital HPV infection and about 80% of women are infected with HPV by age 50. Oral HPV infection is nearly three times as common in men as in women but research doesn't explain why.

Parents worried that teenagers might spread HPV through kissing, take some comfort in this recent study.

More and more dentists are diagnosing an STD-related cancer. The pervasive but often silent Human Papillomavirus (HPV) has been finding its way into mouths. But how so, you ask? Here's the connection in a..................nutshell.

  1. A guy gets HPV through vaginal sex with an infected partner.
  2. The infected guy receives oral sex (protected or not) from a woman; she picks up the virus. OR: the infected guy has protected or unprotected vaginal sex with a woman who gets cervical HPV. She then has vaginal sex with a new partner, who later passes HPV back to her through oral sex.
  3. HPV infected cells live and multiply in the mouth.
  4.  HPV infected cells may develop into        precancerous, then cancerous lesions.

The symptoms mimic those associated with everyday cough, colds and flu...BUT it's the lingering aspect that should trigger further evaluation. Here are a few symptoms for instance...
  • Changes in your voice or ability to swallow
  • Painful sores in the mouth
  • Long term hoarseness or unexplained persistent cough
  • Pain or swelling in the lymph nodes or neck that last more than two weeks
  • A persistent sore throat
The significance of the symptoms lies in the length of duration and if you experience these symptoms for longer than two weeks without explanation: See a physician.

Oral cancer can show up as tumors, cracks, or lesions on your throat, voice box, tonsils or tongue and oral cancer is tricky to catch. There is a test that is simple to administer and you can read about it at .

Watch your Mouth...
                                 Because Spit Happens!

Friday, January 28, 2011

Is it OK for my gums to bleed just a little when I brush?

Generally speaking, healthy gums don't bleed. Occasionally, patients will experience minor bleeding after brushing and flossing that is nothing to worry about, especially if you see a dentist regularly.
However, bleeding that recurs or does not stop after a few days could indicate a more serious condition and you should consult a dentist asap. Also, people taking medications like blood thinners may experience bleeding.
Avoiding the bleeding issue is not the answer either. If the gums are bleeding from bacterial inflammation, the dentist can identify the cause and treat it. If however, there is a medical problem a visit to your physician is critical to prevent or correct the irregularity.
If you washed your hands and they bled, you'd freak out and seek immediate medical attention, right? Then, think of your gums as the skin of your mouth.
But if you're too scared to visit a dentist and too stubborn to go to the doctor, just remember: All Bleeding Stops...Eventually. 

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Oil Pulling to treat Gum Disease?

In a recent article published by Dr. Peter Gott, an MD who writes a syndicated Q & A feature, Oil Pulling for Periodontal Disease treatment was discussed. I've practiced dentistry for 30 plus years and had never heard of such a treatment. The patient asking about the remedy had used it successfully and sought Dr. Gott's opinion. Dr. Gott had never heard of it either and he visited to check out the technique and research the authors. The recommended therapy is to rinse for 10 minutes daily with Sesame Oil, by the way. I agree with Dr. Gott that there is likely no harm in using Sesame Oil and in fact it may be of some limited benefit, I have a suspicion that the patient's claim of being CURED of gum disease is questionable at best. She said she visited a dentist and he confirmed her success! I hear outlandish stories virtually every day from patients who claim they've been cured of something or other with home remedies, including witchcraft. I don't argue with them, but frankly, I'm more likely than not to just verbalize some acknowledgment of their success and move on to the business of the day. I'm not going to change their mind anyway.

Periodontal Disease is a well studied and researched malady. I think it is more likely that the patient became acutely aware of her condition; improved the quality of her brushing (and hopefully flossing) therefore reducing the disease causing bacteria harming her gums. The rinse of choice was simply a little icing on the cake.

What do you think? Doctors, have you heard of this remedy? Have any readers tried this therapy? If so, please post a comment.

Remember, you don't have to floss all your teeth.Just the ones you want to keep!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

The LamiNATION of the World

You've seen them...they almost reach out and bite you...some practically glow in the dark...some look like Chiclets...others are so expertly crafted they become virtually invisible and promote smiles to die for!

I'm talk'in ear to ear, Porcelain Veneer. They go by several Trade names within the Dental industry but the technique is virtually the same. They are laboratory fabricated, contact lens thick Porcelain slivers that are bonded (Laminated) to the front side of the teeth. 

Some dentists (Gordon J. Christensen DDS, MSD to name a well respected one) within the profession have expressed concern that this service has become too widely recommended. I recommend reading the linked article by Dr. Christensen.

Have you had this service and what are your feelings?
How has having your smile-ebration affected your life?
Would you do it over?
Did the dentist discuss the service life of your Veneers?


Gross, Disgusting and Totally Awesome Photos of: Meth Mouths,  Neglect of Oral Hygiene and A Few Cases of Injury to Spice Things Up! Unfortunately, these are the types of cases dentists see virtually every day.

See Ya!

The above case is beyond repair and the patient would be advised to have the natural teeth removed and replaced with prosthetics.


Too Late

This situation is hopeless. The remaining tooth would be removed and replace with either an Implant, a Fixed Partial Denture or a Removable Partial Denture.


This is a start over.

Similar to the other cases, it's time to eliminate the sick teeth and work toward replacements.


A most unfortunate accident; the teeth are savable and the long term prognosis is excellent. But...try to avoid this kind of thing...please!

A Classic Meth Mouth

The use of Crystal Meth has waned recently but these cases continue to show up in offices. Discontinuing Meth  doesn't make the ravages of destruction go away, so the teeth slowly continue to deteriorate. You can  see a dentist now or see a dentist later but don't wait until it hurts!

 Show us your Gross, Disgusting and Totally Awesome ToothPix!