Thursday, February 17, 2011

Instant White Choppers

Can we talk frankly? Whitening your teeth is really, really addictive. No, not chemically...emotionally. Because we love to see our teeth get whiter & brighter and once we see even a hint of change, we want more. In our look good-feel good society, folks with crooked, missing or dingy teeth are looked down upon as second class citizens, so naturally it's seductive to desire a dazzling smile.

The current whitening options are: 1. Visit your dentist for impressions that result in custom tray insertion for up to two or more weeks and spend $400 to $600, or 2. Store purchased, whitening agent impregnated cellophane that you apply via oral gymnastics for two or more weeks @ $25, or 3. A dentist's office visit of 2 hours for power whitening for between $600 to $1000.

The ingredient that whitens teeth is essentially the same for all applications and it is called peroxide.

Now, for the Facebook crowd that needs instant results, Proctor and Gamble is introducing Crest 3D 2-Hour Express Whitestrips (What a mouth full!). P & G marketing admits 'sure, it's peroxide heavy' but they insist it's enamel safe. You'll invest about $55 for a one year supply. Is it too good to be true? I don't know but it won't take long for the public to find out. If you're still not satisfied with the over-the-counter results you can always use the traditional methods ~ call your dentist.

While dentistry isn't aware of any ill affects to the teeth from this treatment be aware of this risk: FRIGHT WHITE. This results from over exposure to whitening; the addicts who have very white-susceptible teeth and just plain don't know when to say when!

Watch your mouth...
                                 Because Spit Happens!