Friday, May 6, 2011

Radiation ConsterNation

You may have recently seen Internet chatter about Dental X-ray safety. If you received that reference via email or social media regarding this topic, it is likely referring to a segment of a Dr. Oz show about Thyroid cancer that originally aired in 2010. The doctor emphasized the use of protective aprons during radiation exposure.

House where x-rays were born.
Here's the skinny on x-rays: In 1895, physicist Wilhelm Roentgen stumbled onto these cathode tubes that had the mystical power to pass energy through solid objects.  And when projected onto a fluorescent screen, shadowy images appeared. (My guess is that Willy had a lot of time on his hands). The mystery energy was called an 'X' ray, as in science the unknown is referred to the 'X' factor.

Colgate's website has a very complete article on Dental x-ray use and safety. The American Dental Association also has information on it's website: . What you need to know is this: x-rays are one tool in the box dentists use to diagnose your dental health. In today's dentistry x-rays are invaluable in regards to the information derived from them and it would be considered negligent NOT to utilize them. However, dentists are trained to respect the inherent danger of overexposure and we follow the  ALARA (As Low As Reasonably Achievable) principle.

Here is a link to help you understand the relative radiation risks to you: .

Remember, in every medicine there's a little bit of poison.

And...Watch your mouth, because Spit Happens!