The gums are often described as the "canary in the coal mine" or the "early warning system" for changes in general health. This is because the mouth is exposed to a greater variety and number of bacteria, fungi and viruses than perhaps any other part of the body.
Impaired host (that's YOU)! defenses become clinically visible more quickly in the mouth because of the rapid turnover of tissues. The warning signs are red and swollen gums that bleed easily. More advanced cases also display loss of bone surrounding the teeth. Dr. Mark Ryder of the University of California has published several articles on this topic. The Mouth-body connection is worth reading if you wish to live longer and healthier.
Edited February 20th, 2012: Advice from The Doctors TV show recently reported 3 Ways To Protect Your Heart:
1. Get Your Teeth Cleaned.
2. Drink Less Sugar.
3. Check YOur Vitamin D Level.
Edited February 20th, 2012: Advice from The Doctors TV show recently reported 3 Ways To Protect Your Heart:
1. Get Your Teeth Cleaned.
2. Drink Less Sugar.
3. Check YOur Vitamin D Level.
Watch your mouth...Because Spit Happens!