Thursday, July 7, 2011

Do You Want To Havity A Cavity?

TO protect teeth from decay, don't eat one piece of dandy-candy or sweets now, then another piece an hour later t-out the day. Why: Because after eating just one piece of sugar laden goody your mouth becomes acidic and it can take up to one hour for the mouth's pH balance to return to normal. The longer the teeth are exposed to an acidic environment the greater the chance of decay.
IF you choose to eat sweets, limit your treats to one after-meal serving ~ the increased saliva production during and after a meal helps to wash away acidity. Also, try to brush or at least rinse your mouth with pH neutral fluid (that is water for the chemically challenged!) after eating sweets.

Here's a link to an interesting table of acidity related to your favorite soft drink. Please note I said soft drink because sugar-free doesn't affect the acidity of the beverage. Phosphoric acid is prevalent in all these drinks we consume daily. AND, I know you're drinking an average of 3 a DAY! I've been watching you.
                If You Snack and Sip all Day You Risk Decay.
Watch your mouth...Because Spit Happens!