Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Features That Catch Your Eye

Percentage of adults who say:

Overall Attractiveness     33%
SMILE                             23%
Eyes                                20%
Body Shape                    10%
Apparel                             6%

Source: StrategyOne for Listerine survey of 2024 adults.
By Michelle Healy and Veronica Salazar, USA Today

Thursday, September 1, 2011

32 White-Hot Virgins

Teeth free of decay, dings or drilling are...virgin. Most people have 32 permanent teeth, including their Wisdom ones. I'm going to discuss Wisdom teeth in another post but the point is this: You're given these perfect pristine pearls that are 'Like a virgin...(until) touched for the very first time' (with apologies to Madonna). 
The anatomy and function of a smile is nothing short of a natural wonder and the resultant expression is generally considered very sexy!

 Hey btw, you know that old wives tale about it taking far more facial muscles to create a frown than a smile?  Well maybe, maybe not...see what Snopes (click on link) has to say about it. Smiling is the universal language of happiness so spread the joy of flashing a healthy white-hot smile. I've posted previously about teeth whitening so search this blog for the most up to date hype on the topic.

What makes those 32 virgins so hot? There are volumes of books and papers published by Psychologists on human attraction. What I am discussing here is how the arrangement and characteristics of the teeth make them appealing. First, size matters! Does your tooth size match your facial form? Usually though not always, but dentists can fix that. Second, do you have summer teeth?: "Som 'er here, som'er not". People with missing teeth are treated as second class citizens and pardon the expression, frowned-upon... hey, I'm just say'in. Thirdly, how are your teeth arranged? Like folks with missing teeth; overlapped, spaced & crowded tooth smile-styles just don't raise the Smok'in-hot-o-meter! Finally, if your virgin teeth have been violated ~ your dentist can recreate the image of Mother Nature's perfection.
Here's what I'm talk'in 'bout:

So here's the 32 White-Hot Smile recipe: Take one large helping of preventive care needed to preserve the natural wonder of the virgin tooth, add the appropriate supplement of a dentist's crafting to enhance color and match your teeth's size & shape to your facial form then mix the recipe following an Orthodontist's directions till done, and presto, you'll have a white-hot smile. It's that simple.

Watch your mouth...Because Spit Happens!