Tuesday, November 1, 2011

I Brush and Floss Every Day...Uggggghhh...Why Do I Still Get Cavities?

Every dentist who has practiced for more than a few days has heard the question in this post's title! I can attest to the frustration patients feel when I have to tell them the bad news as I've had the experience of witnessing adults cry at the tooth report given. The answer to the question is simply; complex. Let me emphasize that dental decay doesn't recognize: gender, race, height, weight, hair color, religious affiliation, or wealth. Some intelligent, wealthy people suffer dental decay and some poor and underprivileged folks enjoy decay-free teeth. Go figure.

Here are the Big Five contributors to your dental woes, in no particular order:
  1. Genetics...Your family history is an indication of your teeth's susceptibility to decay.
  2. Oral Hygiene...Daily brushing and flossing to thoroughly remove bacteria is necessary.
  3. Diet...Food and drinks (see my post Do You Want To Havity A Cavity?) that promote tooth decay must be avoided.
  4. Medication...Many medicines cause a reduction of the volume and quality of saliva. Saliva 'washes' your teeth to reduce the bacterial accumulation. There are over 400 medications that contribute to 'dry mouth' and I'll bet if you read the insert for your prescriptions you're taking one or more of them.
  5. Stress...People under chronic stress produce less saliva.

The thoroughness of your Brushing and Flossing needs to be discussed. Time after time, dentists tell you to Brush and Floss daily...blah, blah, blah. Sound familiar? WEll...I'm here to tell you most of you simply make a weak effort at getting the job done. To remove bacteria, you've got to get-after-it, man. The how-to video talks about being kind and gentle to your gums when brushing, but
with today's soft tooth brushes, you can literally scrub your gums, teeth and tongue with the brush and it won't hurt them. *(If you've been diagnosed with OCD, disregard the previous advice!) About the only way you're going to goof is if you accidentally pick-up the steel-wire grill brush. 
And when flossing...the floss must pass up and down vigorously between the contact, down to and under the gum until it is squeaky clean.
Watch Your Mouth...Because Spit Happens!