Sunday, January 1, 2012

Swish, swish away my decay?

UCLA's School of Dentistry recently published a news release regarding the development of a mouthwash with the incredible potential of eradicating cavities and tooth decay.

While this is an encouraging announcement, the hard work is still yet to be done. Years of research must be conducted to determine if unintended consequences result from altering the sensitive oral bacterial balance. In other words, how do we destroy the bad bugs without also eliminating the good bugs? The answer lies in the concept of targeted antimicrobial therapy.

This is exciting stuff but until the clinical trials are complete ~ which may be tens of years, everyone must rely upon the old fashioned toothbrush and floss for plaque removal to control decay and cavities. The closest thing to a smart-bomb available today is Fluoride. Since being introduced in the 1950's Fluoride has enjoyed a relative honeymoon with the public. Recently however published articles have challenged the advisability of this additive resulting in a revision of the  American Dental Association's Fluoride supplement recommendations.           This was BIG news to dentists because we were under the impression that all the research was complete and confirmed; only to now hear the words: Upon further review...

Watch your mouth...Because Spit Happens!