Tuesday, December 17, 2013

New Candy Kills Cavity Causing Critters?


God bless the tireless researchers as they search for the ways and means to make us feel better about consuming nutrient deficient goodies. But what about the side effects of the new product?


Watch Your Mouth...Because Spit Happens!

Monday, December 16, 2013

If you like your teeth you can keep your teeth, period.

But you have to take responsibility for repair and maintenance of your teeth as the years pass. Don't wait until after the train wreck to fix your mouth; it takes more time and money to correct the years of neglect. And sometimes it's just simply too far beyond repair to rehabilitate.


Watch Your Mouth...Because Spit Happens!

Friday, September 13, 2013

Get a Cavity & Avoid Cancer?

Probably not but it won't hurt to read all proposed theories. This reminds me of a previous post discussing the next wave of No-Cavity remedies via vaccines.


Watch Your Mouth...Because Spit Happens!

Thursday, May 2, 2013

What Your Mouth Says May Be Revealing?

Check out this article about the many conditions that can be revealed by the condition of your mouth. Visit this link for the complete story:


Watch Your Mouth...Because Spit Happens!

Friday, April 26, 2013


Is it coincidence that dentists are seeing a dramatic increase in the number and severity of cavities when children begin consuming these products? Apparently not. Read all about in the following link: http://usatoday30.usatoday.com/news/health/2007-09-23-gummy-vitamins_N.htm

And Remember To Watch Your Mouth...Because Spit Happens!

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Preventive Anesthesia? Make your child's appointment soon!

I imagine everyone will want to have their todlers numbed up...the line forms to the right...and bring your earplugs. Read all about it at this link:http://www.drugs.com/news/dental-anesthesia-may-interrupt-wisdom-teeth-growth-44002.html

Watch Your Mouth...Because Spit Happens!

Monday, April 8, 2013

Hey, WAKE UP Will Ya!

Your daily Wake Up smoke may take its toll on your pie-hole! Read all about it at the following link:


Watch Your Mouth...Because Spit Happens!