Tuesday, October 21, 2014

This Halloween...Won't You Consider Some Treats Other Than Sweets?

What lovely teeth you have...my pretties!

Halloween is a fun time of year filled with costumes, parties and sweet treats. But many parents worry that all those sugary treats can lead to cavities and poor dental health. The good news: It's not what children eat, but how often, and candy can be OK if children and parents are aware of just some simple rules.
1. Snack in moderation, no more than three times a day.
2. A sugary treat is safer if it is eaten with a meal, not as a snack.
3. Tooth brushing should be performed twice daily. The best times to brush are after breakfast and before bed.

So the best advice is just Watch It! Follow the above guidelines and remember that teeth are meant to last a lifetime if they are properly cared for.

Watch Your Mouth...Because Spit Happens!

Tuesday, October 14, 2014


In spite of dentistry's efforts to educate the public and treat sick gums this insidous disease continues to condem too many teeth to removal. Your teeth will last your lifetime if they are properly cared for. Brush and floss daily; visit your dentist twice a year for cleanings to Keep Smiling!
The link below is another of the reports published on dental health topics:


Watch Your Mouth...Because Spit Happens!

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Dental Mercury? What The He.. Are They Talk'in 'bout?

Dental Mercury is the glue that holds your grandmother's fillings together. You may know them as 'Silver Fillings' or "Amalgams'  or 'Lead Fillings'. Dental Amalgam is a group of metals stuck together with mercury. The material has a putty-like consistency when first mixed, then over a few hours sets into a concrete like state. Now, the EPA is concerned with environmental contamination of these products. Read all about it in the following link:


Today's Dental Care retired that product 20 years ago. We only place tooth colored resins in our patients teeth...so you can Keep Smiling with the confidence you're not contributing to ground water contamination!

Watch Your Mouth...Because Spit Happens!

Thursday, October 2, 2014