Saturday, October 1, 2011

WARNING: This product can cause gum disease and tooth loss.

I recently saw a print Ad in USA Today with this Post's title listed at the bottom of it. At first blush I thought it was a Camel cigarette Ad and I was surprised because print Ads have been banned for years. Upon further review...I discovered it was for a new to me product called SNUS. As a non-user myself, tobacco in its various formulations was an unexplored world. The significance of the advertisement was that New York City recently banned smoking and the RJ Reynolds Tobacco Company, who owns the Camel trademark, has their brand of this tobacco alternative available to those in need of a nicotine fix.
SNUS: Sounds Like Noose

As communities across the USA ban public smoking, heat is on the tobacco industry to offer their 'clients' these  alternative products. There is also a significant impact on the economy as tobacco farmers rely on income from sales and states enjoy the tax revenue.

So...What is with the WARNING? Well, to enhance the flavor of their products, manufactures add sweeteners and that sugar content supplies energy for the pesky bacteria throughout your mouth. The more food for the bacteria, the more active the bacteria become and it is the bacteria's acidic waste byproduct that decays teeth and attacks gums. Got it? Think of SNUS, Dip and Snuff as that material you put into your mouth which in time creates a toxic waste site.

Edited 8.23.12: Scientists ID Cancer-Causing Agent in Smokeless Tobacco:

Watch your mouth...Because Spit Happens!

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