Thursday, December 1, 2011

Partially Exposed Teenage...

Partially exposed teenage wisdom teeth can be the first sign of a developing complication. Very few people have room for their wisdom teeth to grow into a position that allows for thorough maintenance. Without the ability to clean 360 degrees around the tooth, decay and or gum problems will eventually develop.
Why me?
It often takes years for the irritation created by chronically dirty wisdom teeth to develop  inflammation; add a few more years and the chronic inflammation turns into infection. If you've ever experienced a full-blown dental related abscess you'll not likely want another!                                        

It can take several pain filled days for an abscess to resolve and sometimes the infection requires hospitalization with intravenous administration of antibiotics to control and stabilize the patient before the offending tooth can be completed.
Now the fun begins!

 If the infection has been present for an extended period of time, a bone destroying cyst can develop and grow into a serious lesion.

The simple solution is to have your wisdom teeth removed before these serious complications have time to form. For you folks who are more than a bit squeamish about such operations, many dentists offer sedatives to relax you or general anesthetics that will render you into a state of mind that you won't know about what day it is, let alone the dental surgery that is to be performed...better living through chemistry is today's lesson!

Watch your mouth...Because Spit Happens!

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