Thursday, March 1, 2012

The More You Booze...The More You Lose!

Oh for crying out there nothing left to enjoy anymore? Really, I'm so sick and tired of reading about this that causes that, and that that causes this...I could just poke out my eyes with the business end of a lawn Jart!

Alright, now don't we feel better getting that off our chest? Get it straight...we're talking about drinking to excess, not the occasional or social imbiber. You can enjoy your fav-o-rite adult beverage without getting your panties all in a wad worrying that your gums are going to melt off your jawbone.  The operative word is EXCESS.

Here's the skinny, or you can visit The Report for more details. Alcohol affects the teeth and oral cavity in the following ways:

Gum Disease if untreated can lead to loss of teeth. A University of Buffalo Dental Medicine study found a direct correlation between the amount of alcohol consumed and severity of risk for gum disease.

Gum Disease can affect systemic health. Systemic means your general systems; like your heart and pancreas. Yeah, the little buggers living in your gums emit toxins that attack other organs.

Decay? Yep, cavities develop too, due the mixers that contain a high concentration of sugar. See a previous Spit Happens post: Do You Want To Havity A Cavity?

Oral Cancer risk is greater too in excess drinkers as alcohol breaks down chemically into acetaldehyde which can bind to proteins in the mouth setting off a cascade of crap you don't want, believe me. And if you really want to party, mix in tobacco to rev up your tumor potential. See a previous Spit Happens post: Warning...This Product May Be Hazardous To Your Health.  

Geezzz...this post is quickly becoming an advertisement for many of my previous posts no one has read.

Watch Your Mouth...Because Spit Happens!

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