Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Will Keep-32 End Dental Visits Forever?


In my 35 years of clinical practice there have been at least a dozen announcments of a developing technique, contraption or chemical to eradicate the dread of dental decay. The latest entry into the frey is Keep-32. This one may be the miracle we've been waiting for all our lives but don't bet the farm on it. There is a huge leap from test tube to clinical trials and final approval for distribution to the consumer product mainstream.
It is encouraging that researchers continue to search for the silver bullet, because that's what new finding are all about. I'm not disparaging research; but publishing reports like Keep-32 usually makes for nothing but interesting conversation.

 Oh, and in case you're wondering, the name comes from the number of adult teeth with which most people are graced: 32.

Now about that nonsense that the chemical will make teeth cavity proof & will eliminate dental visits forever.  Well...that's simply horse hockey. For those of you not familiar with this Hoosier expression check out the demonstration below:

Teeth are cleaned to remove tarter and stains that you can't remove at home. And, for all of you under the illusion that fillings & crowns last forever, think again. Even if no one developed another cavity, dentists would be busy for decades repairing & replacing already existing dentistry. Or, you can fix your own teeth...

Watch Your Mouth...Because Spit Happens!

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