Tuesday, April 28, 2015


In 1962 the US Public Health Service in conjunction with the American Dental Association recommended community water sources be supplemented with Fluoride at a concentration of 1.0 part per million. Seriously, no one thought to review this concentration recommendation in over 50 years?

Recently the Public Health Service revised their recommendations.
Click on the following link for details:

 I've written about Fluoride in a previous post and you can check out my thoughts for yourself. And, if you have well-water the only way you know your well-water's Fluoride concentration is to have a Water Analysis for Fluoride test. You may be able to obtain a WAfF test kit from your State Board of Health otherwise seek out a private testing lab. Many natural sources of water contain very high levels of Fluoride while others have none. 

Too much Fluoride can produce a condition called Fluorosis. The teeth have discoloration ranging from a lacy grey to brown staining. While teeth with Fluorosis aren't usually more cavity prone, they aren't pretty. 

Fluorosis is often miss identified as Tetracycline staining; the effect of this antibiotic administered during the crown-developing years and usually presents as a uniform discoloration ranging from a blue-grey to brown hue of the teeth. 

Watch Your Mouth...Because Spit Happens!

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