Thursday, January 13, 2011

The LamiNATION of the World

You've seen them...they almost reach out and bite you...some practically glow in the dark...some look like Chiclets...others are so expertly crafted they become virtually invisible and promote smiles to die for!

I'm talk'in ear to ear, Porcelain Veneer. They go by several Trade names within the Dental industry but the technique is virtually the same. They are laboratory fabricated, contact lens thick Porcelain slivers that are bonded (Laminated) to the front side of the teeth. 

Some dentists (Gordon J. Christensen DDS, MSD to name a well respected one) within the profession have expressed concern that this service has become too widely recommended. I recommend reading the linked article by Dr. Christensen.

Have you had this service and what are your feelings?
How has having your smile-ebration affected your life?
Would you do it over?
Did the dentist discuss the service life of your Veneers?

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