Sunday, January 23, 2011

Oil Pulling to treat Gum Disease?

In a recent article published by Dr. Peter Gott, an MD who writes a syndicated Q & A feature, Oil Pulling for Periodontal Disease treatment was discussed. I've practiced dentistry for 30 plus years and had never heard of such a treatment. The patient asking about the remedy had used it successfully and sought Dr. Gott's opinion. Dr. Gott had never heard of it either and he visited to check out the technique and research the authors. The recommended therapy is to rinse for 10 minutes daily with Sesame Oil, by the way. I agree with Dr. Gott that there is likely no harm in using Sesame Oil and in fact it may be of some limited benefit, I have a suspicion that the patient's claim of being CURED of gum disease is questionable at best. She said she visited a dentist and he confirmed her success! I hear outlandish stories virtually every day from patients who claim they've been cured of something or other with home remedies, including witchcraft. I don't argue with them, but frankly, I'm more likely than not to just verbalize some acknowledgment of their success and move on to the business of the day. I'm not going to change their mind anyway.

Periodontal Disease is a well studied and researched malady. I think it is more likely that the patient became acutely aware of her condition; improved the quality of her brushing (and hopefully flossing) therefore reducing the disease causing bacteria harming her gums. The rinse of choice was simply a little icing on the cake.

What do you think? Doctors, have you heard of this remedy? Have any readers tried this therapy? If so, please post a comment.

Remember, you don't have to floss all your teeth.Just the ones you want to keep!

1 comment:

  1. I've never heard of Oil Pulling, to treat periodontal disease or anything else, until now!

    I will say, though, a couple of years ago I spent about 6 months studying the fundamentals of Chinese Medicine. What I learned? We in 'western medicine' have a lot to learn.

    My eyes were opened to the strengths and weaknesses of my American education, and to the influence of culture on my ideas about health and healing.
